The CB-2000 Concrete Batching controller provides complete control of all common forms of concrete batching plant, whether dry leg, wet mixed or a combination of both, to produce both ready mixed concrete and concrete products.
Increasingly this is based in a remote location such as a despatch office or centralised control room, with the load requirements set up by office staff but the loading process itself being started by the truck drivers at the plant, leaving the office staff free to attend to other tasks as well. Often the load requirements are electronically transferred into the CB-2000 from one of a number of commercially-available administration/despatch systems (eg Herbst, Weighsoft) to which the CB-2000 is readily interfaced.
Cantech can also provide a Load Scheduler facility, enabling the allocation of loads and trucks to available time slots on the plant to organise the utilisation of the plant and trucks to best effect, both when accepting/allocating orders in advance and also in response to changes in requirements or plant/truck availability during the day.
Control of the feed of aggregate into the plant can also be provided via remote wireless touch-screen graphics displays in the loading shovel(s), used to position and start/stop the incoming feed conveyor/shuttle system, as well as keeping the shovel driver directly informed of the material requirements by the CB-2000 to ensure that he loads the correct aggregate type into the bins.
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Concrete Batching